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Peggy & Tony Thornton Diamond Wedding

Deputy Lieutenant Craig Dunbar and Councillor Graham Lindsay were both delighted to be invited to attend today the celebration of the Diamond Wedding of Peggy and Tony Thornton who were married on this day in 1964 at St. Mark's Parish Church, Drip Road, Stirling.
They were joined by son, Scott and his wife Sarah who had energetic grandson Ziggy with them to join in the fun. The couple also have another son, Alan. During their long and very happy marriage the pair have enjoyed travelling and evidence of the places they have visited were all around the room, including a picture of Peggy sitting next to a somewhat ferocious looking tiger during a trip they made to Thailand.
Tony is a keen bowler and is looking forward to the opening of his own home green this coming weekend. When asked what was the secret of their successful time together, they said that talking to one another and sorting out any problems was the winning formula.
The image shows the happy couple with Graham Lindsay and Craig Dunbar behind with a very fine buffet supplied at quite short notice by the magnificent staff at Hillview Court.
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