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Citizenship 31.07.2024 REAL.jpg

Lord-Lieutenant, Lt Col (Retd) Johnny Stewart was delighted to be able to attend a Citizenship Ceremony at the Speirs Centre on Wednesday morning when four individuals each received their Certificate of Naturalisation at a ceremony organised by District Registrar, Agnes Leighton.

Elona Vistyakova is originally from Azerbaijan, but has lived in the Wee County for 12 years. She is a Team Leader in a Pharmaceutical company based in Stirling where her daughter also attends school.

Veronique Malcolm is French, but has lived and worked in the UK for 41 years and was, until her retirement eight months ago, Head of Procurement for the Scottish Parliament. She attended the Ceremony with her husband.

Longest resident in the UK is Muqam Mahmood who has lived in the country for 47 years and in the County for over 30 years. He is now happily retired from his former employment as a chef which allows him to spend more time with his three children.

Danielle Diamond is originally from The USA, but has lived in a number of places across the land including Norfolk, the Lake District and for the last four years in Clackmannanshire where she lives with her husband and two sons.

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