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Johnny Stewart was born in Edinburgh on 21st August 1957.  He was brought up on a farm called Arndean in Central Scotland.  He has two sisters and a brother.  He is married to Katie, who runs a clothing import and distribution business, and they have three children, Rory (2000), Alice (2002) and Eleanor (2004).  The family lives in the family home, Arndean, after his parents moved out in 2007.

He was educated at Eton College where he enjoyed playing golf amongst other sports.

In 1976 Johnny joined the Army and served 22 years in the Scots Guards, serving in many areas of the world but his active service was mainly in Northern Ireland and Bosnia.  During his service, he was Equerry to HRH The Duke of Kent for 3 years.  He commanded his Regiment from 1997 – 1999, in Northern Ireland and Windsor.  The highlight of his career was to command the Trooping of the Colour Parade in London.

He left the Army in 1999 to return to Scotland to take over the farm from his father who wished to retire.  The farm is near Dollar in Clackmannanshire and has sheep and forestry.  He runs a golf travel business called JCS Golf.  His main hobbies are shooting, tennis and golf.

He became Lord-Lieutenant of Clackmannanshire on 5th June 2014 upon the retirement of Sir George Reid and, in doing so, follows his father Bobby Stewart who held the post from 1995 to 2001 into that role.

He was made a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (LVO) in 2020 on standing down as Adjustant to the Royal Company of Archers, the Monarch's personal bodyguard in Scotland. 



John was educated in Manchester and has lived in Alva for over 30 years. He is married to Anne with two sons who are both married and living locally.

After graduating in Manchester, John joined ICI and worked for them or their off-shoots for 25 years, eventually retiring as Head of Engineering in 2005.

He has been involved in many voluntary activities all his life and has been active in Scouting as a volunteer for over 40 years, including 15 years as District Commissioner for Clackmannanshire and is currently District Chair of Clackmannanshire Scout Council. He is also a Director at Dalgety Bay Sailing club and an Elder at Alva Parish Church.

He enjoys sailing, DIY, gardening, hillwalking and skiing

John was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant in 2015 and Vice Lord-Lieutenant in 2017



Anne completed her degree in Education in Manchester and when she moved to Alva over 30 years ago, taught at Alva Primary School for 21 years before her retirement. She is married with two sons and 2 grandchildren.

She completed 30 years’ service to Guiding and is still a volunteer with Scouting after almost 40 years’ service, including roles as Assistant District Commissioner for Beavers and Assistant Group Scout Leader in Alva. She is currently treasurer of Alva Community Council.




Neil R McFarlane F.G.A. was born in Airthrey Castle and brought up in Clackmannanshire, attending Dollar Academy before starting his career with the Clydesdale Bank, which saw him working in Clackmannanshire, Fife and then Edinburgh.

He joined the family Watchmaker & Jewellers business in 1990 and was married the following year. He qualified as a gemologist in 1992 with a Fellowship of the Gemmological Association & Gem Testing Lab of Great Britain. Neil and his wife Elaine continue to live and work in Clackmannanshire and have two daughters.

Neil was involved in Scouting as a Scout and leader, and was also a volunteer and trainer for the British Red Cross Society for over 20 years. He has been involved in the various town centre and county business organisations, chairing the Traders Association for many years, a founder member of Clackmannanshire Business, Clackmannanshire Tourism Association and also served as a director with the Alloa town centre Business Improvement District.

Neil’s interests include travel and hill walking, along with his passion for skiing, on a recreational basis and also as an instructor at the local dry ski slope. He currently volunteers as a member and instructor with Disability Snowsports UK.


Tim Allan FRSA is a private equity and property entrepreneur with many outside philanthropic interests. He owns Unicorn Property Group an award-winning Scottish property business and is particularly involved in the regeneration of Dundee and the Tay Cities Deal.  A Member of Court at the University of St Andrews, Tim is President and Chair of Scottish Chambers of Commerce and Vice Chair of the V&A Museum of Design Campaign.

A St Andrews graduate, he served in the British Army for 10 years and thereafter spent 7 years in private wealth working for Citigroup and UBS with some of the UK’s most prominent entrepreneurs. He founded Unicorn in 2005.

Tim has had extensive interests in the fuel forecourt sector being a founder and director of Motor Fuel Group, the second largest independent fuel retailer in the UK with more than 430 stations.

Outside his business, Tim was a member of the Scotland Committee of the BIG Lottery Fund for 7 years and was formerly the Chair of Young Enterprise Scotland, the leading business and enterprise education charity in Scotland.  He served as President of Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce from 2014 to 2016.

In April 2010, Tim was awarded The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion.

Tim was appointed as a Deputy Lieutenant for Clackmannanshire in 2017.

He was appointed as a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the Queen's 2022 New Year's Honours List.



John MacPherson was born in Alloa in 1950. He was educated locally at what was then Forebraes High School and thereafter at Falkirk College of Technology. He took up employment thereafter in the town. He operated a mini grocery store from premises in Medwyn Place from which he, along with son Barry, developed Alloa Hire Centre. The business expanded rapidly and moved to premises in Tullibody where it still trades to this day, after over 30 years of successful endeavour.

John has taken more of a back seat in the business in recent years, but continues to be involved in the business of the town through Rotary and was, in 2018, the President of Alloa Burns Club. John has a passion for music and is an extremely fine singer and player of the guitar, regularly giving performances at Burns Suppers and beyond. He enjoys cycling and being outdoors. He is married to Maureen and has a son and a daughter and several grandchildren on whom he dotes.


Margaret has been a Deputy Lieutenant for Clackmannanshire since September 2014. She very much enjoys keeping active in her retirement and holds other volunteer positions in addition to this as Chairperson of Clackmannanshire CAB and is a director of the Bowden Trust and Reach Out with Arts in Mind.  

Margaret served 15 years as a Councillor on Clackmannan District Council and thereafter Clackmannanshire Council. During her time there she held various posts including Vice Chairperson of Housing, Deputy Provost, Education Convenor and the last four years as Leader of the Council.  

Margaret is keen to urge potential volunteers to get in touch with CTSI and register their interest in the work of the voluntary sector. She believes that everyone has something to offer and the satisfaction of supporting a third sector organisation to fulfil its aims and objectives is both satisfying on a personal level and beneficial to the organisations continued presence.


Sheila Bulloch was educated in Lanarkshire and Glasgow.

She started her career with Glasgow Corporation, Education Department in Glasgow College of Technology (now Caledonian University}. She worked in various departments within Central Regional Council, Clackmannan District Council and Clackmannanshire Leisure. At the time of her retirement she was Principal Officer for Leisure with Clackmannanshire Council .

She has always valued the work of the volunteer and has been involved in various organisations throughout her adult life. She has been a sports related volunteer for 35 years serving four years on the National Executive of the Scottish Association of Local Sports Councils,  as race co -ordinator for the Alloa Half Marathon for 20 years and supported many clubs and organisations over this time. She was involved in youth and community education as a volunteer leader with Menstrie Youth Project leading a Cultural and Educational exchange with a school in Godollo, Hungary and Menstrie pupils attending Alva Academy. When she retired, she joined the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

She is currently a volunteer with Menstrie Community Resilience Group and a Trustee with the Lilias Graham Trust.

She moved to Clackmannanshire in 1976 and has lived in Menstrie since 1984. She is married and has two sons and two grandchildren.

Sheila was appointed as a Deputy Lieutenant on 19th October 2021.


Stephen was appointed Deputy Lieutenant in July 2023. He has been a Trustee of Dollar Community Development Trust since its incorporation in 2017 and Chair since 2019. Stephen was appointed The Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at the University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy in January 2023. He has been Chairman of the Board of a start-up biotech company originating from University of Edinburgh since 2020.

Stephen was born in Glencoe and studied at University of Edinburgh, graduating in Physics.  He has had a long career in industry as both as a director of several businesses and as Management Consulting Partner with KPMG UK. In 2009, he started his own business taking on the role of interim CEO to turn round under-performing companies. This work took him across Europe on short term assignments. Stephen retired from full-time work in 2019.

He has lived in Dollar for 35 years, bringing up three children with his wife, Fiona.



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Alan was born in Tillicoultry, but grew up in Dyce, Aberdeen. Educated at Bankhead Academy, on leaving school Alan worked for The Royal Bank of Scotland for 16 years. A keen member of The Boys’ Brigade, gaining his Queen’s Badge in 1981 and thereafter becoming a leader, Alan started working for the organisation as a Training & Development Officer at Scottish Headquarters in Larbert back in 1999. A varied role, mainly focussed on co-ordination of training across Scotland, also included delivery of large scale events and volunteer support.  Alan retired in 2024, after 25 years with The Boys’ Brigade, latterly as Leader Development Manager for the UK. He returned to live in Tillicoultry in 2000.

Alan is Session Clerk at Tillicoultry Parish Church and Captain of the 1st Tillicoultry BB Company. He is a member and current Chair of the Scottish Police & Community Choir. He continues to deliver BB training as a volunteer and is a volunteer speaker for Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance.

In his spare time, Alan enjoys singing, reading and walking.


Craig Dunbar is the Clerk to the Lieutenancy. He was appointed in January 2017, following upon the retirement of his long-serving predecessor, Bill Jarvis. Like Bill, Craig was a solicitor, but retired in August 2023 having been in the legal profession since 1982. He was born and raised in Stirling and still lives there to this day. He took a law degree at the University of Glasgow and worked in that city until 2002. He moved to his previous position in Tillicoultry in 2003 and his last one in February 2019. 

Outside of work, Craig was formerly a football referee in his spare time (although happily retired from that!) and has been the Secretary of the Famous Alva Games since 1995, a position which also led to him being appointed as President of the Scottish Games Association for 3 years in 2001. He has officiated at a number of games for many years but is now a commentator on the Games circuit from May to September attending nearly 30 meetings from Tobermory in Mull all the way down to Ambleside Sports and Egremont Crab Fair Sports, both in the Lake District. He was elected as the Secretary of the Royal Scottish Highland Games Association, the governing body for Highland Games in Scotland, at the beginning of November 2023. He is also a Trustee and Vice-Chair of the Lilias Graham Trust. 

He was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant in June 2022. 

All inquiries about the Lieutenancy should be addressed to him in the first instance through the email link here or by phone or post.